Hot news : Sadly Travis Kelce and Taylor swift breaking apart ‘ Face Relationship difficulties over outrageous behavior

I am so pleased she is happy and secure in her relationship to be so public about it! It must feel good for her after years in the basement lol (no shade to Joe, every relationship has a purpose). Thanks for giving us insight into how things unfolded Tay. I’m glad she clarified that, yes, Travis shouting her out on his podcast was how she knew he was interested and she went for it. How refreshing it must have felt for her to have a guy not afraid to say in public that he wanted a shot with her.
This big time. I love watching baseball and I don’t particularly like when they celeb spot too much, but at the same time, it’s not the celeb’s fault. Ofc they’ll show celebrity attendances since it’s good for publicity: it’s common across all North American sports, especially since celebrity culture and sports have been tied together for decades. This isn’t anything new at all.
Edit: Also having just read the interview, I absolutely love that she said they’re proud of each other. In a relationship if both partners can’t say this… there’s something wrong there. Life’s too short to hide out of fear, and especially more so if it’s not in your nature to be reserved (and neither Taylor nor Travis seem to be).