In a recent episode of “Collect Calls With Suge Knight,” notorious music mogul Knight made a sensational claim about the potential demise of Hollywood power couple...
Newly released footage shows the women’s gymnastics judges at the Paris Olympics floor routine final neglected to process a request from U.S. coaches for a...
50 Cent has mocked P Diddy online in a savage social media post as he took aim at the disgraced music mogul amid his indictment The...
Prince William and Kate Middleton publicly wished Prince Harry a happy 40th birthday for the first time since 2021, following his and Meghan Markle’s controversial interview....
Their unwavering commitment to her growth has been instrumental in shaping the champion we know today. The tale of Simone Biles’ adopted parents is...
In a twist that has caught everyone off guard, Brad Pitt, the Hollywood heartthrob, apparently made a remarkable move in honor of his ex-wife, Jennifer...
In a move that shocked exactly zero people on Twitter but left the world of broadcast journalism reeling, ABC News has reportedly fired debate moderators...
Katy Perry is continuing to push the boundaries with her new music video for her single, I’m His, He’s Mine, off her seventh album, 143, which...
Bill Maher speculated that Travis Kelce will break up with his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, when she least expects it. “He’s gonna dump her, though, you...
Blake Lively is railing against invasive paparazzi culture after a photo of her children was posted online without her consent. Lively called out the...