Chris Hemsworth, globally recognized for his portrayal of Thor in Marvel’s cinematic universe, has shocked fans by filing for divorce on his 41st birthday. This unexpected...
Jay-Z is facing renewed calls to confirm the paternity of his ‘illegitimate son’ in an another legal blow to the beleaguered rapper who was accused...
The Mahomes household is abuzz with holiday cheer as Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes and his family navigate the festive season. Fresh off...
Taylor Swift is already planning her involvement in longtime friend Selena Gomez’s wedding to Benny Blanco! On Wednesday, Dec. 11, Gomez, 32, announced that she and...
During a live taping of his upcoming Netflix special, Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was…. has shared his harrowing experience while filming the special...
Kim Kardashian has suffered a leg injury, and took to Instagram to share picture of her broken foot. Kim Kardashian is entering holiday season with a...
Later this month, Juice WRLD’s estate will release another posthumous album from the late star. The rapper passed away in 2019 at the age of just...
Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is a Pitt no longer the teenager of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt has been granted her name change request. According to TMZ,...
Selena Gomez Wore a Bombshell Scarlet Dress for a Wizards of Waverly Place Reunion Waverly Place costar to celebrate the world premiere of Disney’s new spin-off...
Joey King suffered a minor wardrobe malfunction while on her way to accept the Face of the Future Award at the 2024 WIF Honors Ceremony on...