EXCLUSIVE: ‘Duchess Difficult’ Meghan should ask who the REAL bully is, says AMANDA PLATELL

In Netflix’s Harry & Meghan series, the Duchess of Sussex explained why she rarely wore bright colors when she was living in the UK.
Meghan said that she put thought into it because “To my understanding, you could never wear the same color as Her Majesty, if there’s a group event, but then you also shouldn’t be wearing the same color as one of the other more senior members of the family.”
Meghan inadvertently revealed that no one was telling her what colors to wear in group situations, so she was figuring it out as she went along.
She added: “So I was like, ‘Well, what’s a color that they’ll probably never wear?’ Camel, beige, white.
So I wore a lot of muted tones, but it was also so I could just blend in. I’m not trying to stand out here.
There was no version of me joining this family and me not doing everything I could to fit in. I don’t want to embarrass the family.”
I bring that up because the white royals are completely bonkers.
They are obsessed with everything Meghan does or says, and even when she’s just explaining something mild in a non-critical way (“I wore beige because I didn’t want to stand out”), the Windsors take Meghan’s words as an “attack” and they try to counter her in unhinged ways.
At Kate’s piano recital last week, the white royals came out to support Kate and put on a “united front.” That meant that Kate wore burgundy and she put Princess Charlotte in a little burgundy coat to “match.” Not only that, Pippa Middleton and Zara Tindall also wore burgundy. Like, they made a point of “showing up” Meghan by coordinating in similar shades of cranberry/burgundy.
The British papers have been talking about it ever since, like this color-coordination is some kind of petty “response” to Meghan. Then in today’s Daily Mail, they put it on the COVER. Amanda Platell “wonders” if perhaps all of the color-coordination “wasn’t a coincidence after all. That what we were witnessing was a subtle, long-distance riposte to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex after their attack on the ‘racist’ Royal Family.”
The fact that this childishness happened last week and we are still trying to make it into some attack on Meghan is really something, huh?