Hilaria Baldwin’s latest cooking caper shows her Spanglish grift is here to stay, no matter how delusional

It’s the grift that keeps on giving.
Yes, giving us laughs and reasons to ridicule Hilaria Baldwin impersonating a Spanish person.
Boston bred Hillary Hayward-Thomas — who at some point in her life swam in the glistening waters off Mallorca and rechristened herself Hilaria — is back with another Spanglish oopsie moment.
In a new video, the Lie-berian lady is speaking in high-pitched, heavily accented English while cooking tortilla, a delicious potato omelet that is a staple in Spain.
The wife of Alec Baldwin suddenly forgets the English word for “onion.”
“He hates cebolla,” she says of her husband, as someone off camera translates.
The wife of Alec Baldwin suddenly forgets the English word for “onion.”
“He hates cebolla,” she says of her husband, as someone off camera translates.
She then explains her special way of making tortilla Española.
“I learned this from when I was a kid, don’t look it up online because you’ll learn something different,” she says, unintentionally describing her own bio.
The secret was to not cut the potatoes “too tiny because they’re not going to have the right texture,” as she cooks what looks like excessively oversized chunks of taters.
I’ve always been taught differently, but I guess they do it their own way in Beantown.