Does Swift Deserve All The Critics And Hate She’s Getting This Days

Alright, I know what you’re thinking. “What? Taylor Swift? But she is so cute and her songs are adorable how can you hate this sweet little blonde girl, you HEARTLESS BITCH!” Well, fuck you. I have my reasons.
I can’t pinpoint the exact date I began my hatred of Taylor Swift, but I do remember how it happened. I was in my friend Courtney’s car, and she was playing her iPod. The song about crying on a guitar played, and I was like “ugh, country music.” Because I have taste. Then the song about sneaking out of house to make out played, and I rolled my eyes. Because I am not fifteen anymore. And then, the travesty known only as Love Story played, and the rage began to seep through my veins.
Have you heard the song? Let me sum it up for you. “I’m totally Juliet and my boyfriend loves me, he is my Romeo, anI’m not stupid, okay. I know that she is just using Romeo and Juliet as the tired cliché of true love and soulmates. Which brings me to my next point: her songwriting is full of tired clichés.
I don’t care that she’s only a teenager and writes all her own songs. When I was a teenager, I “wrote songs” too, and they were all just about as good as hers. I don’t care that she’s a pop singer who actually writes her own material, her material sucks. It’s like Avril Lavigne all over again: the girl won fucking songwriting awards just because she was 17 and wrote her own stuff, but her stuff was “he was a skater boy I said see you later boy”.