Taylor Swift’s cat Olivia Beпsoп is the world’s third richest pet worth a staggeriпg $97millioп – bυt she’s beateп by Iпstagram cat star Nala aпd a Germaп Shepherd called Gυпther VI from Italy

In the age of social media, not only can influencers or celebrities make money from their millions of followers or their posts, but pets can do it too. And for example there is the site All About Cats, which has just announced which are the richest pets in the world.Above Olivia Benson is another cat, known as Nala Cat, worth an estimated $100 million. Nala has her Instagram account, in which she appears as a ‘public figure’ and has more than 4.4 million followers.
The first place goes to a dog, a German shepherd named Gunther VI, which is owned by the Italian media company Gunther Corporation and holds the title of the richest pet in the world with a net worth valued at 500 million dollars.
The list was made using Instagram analytics and the possible payday of the pet per social media post. In 2020, Swift posted a photo of Olivia lying on a couch, which garnered more than 2 million likes on her Instagram page.